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Larmax Staff

Updated: Mar 5, 2024

Caridina dennerli /白襪蝦

Sulawesi shrimp originates in Lake Poso and Lake Matano on Sulawesi island in Indonesia. Crustal movements create a landlocked ecosystem which differs Sulawesi shrimp from most fresh water shrimps. Sulawesi shrimp has an appearance and posture similar to marine ornamental shrimp but breeds and lives in fresh water. Larmax International Co., Ltd. only sells tank-raised Sulawesi shrimps from the two water systems Lake Poso and Lake Matano. For example, Cardinal shrimp(Caridina dennerli), White Orchid shrimp(Caridina sp. (White Orchid Bee)),Blue Leg Poso shrimp(Caridina ensifera (Blue Leg Poso)),Three Spot Red Bee(Caridina trimaculatus) etc. Also other crossbred species such as: Blue Ghost shrimp(Caridina dennerli (Blue Ghost)) and Caridina dennerli (Golden Eye).

Photo/Caridina dennerli “Blue Ghost Golden Eye” 金眼藍幽靈

Caridina trimaculatus /乳牛(白斑)蝦

Photo/Caridina trimaculatus, Male 乳牛蝦(公)

Photo/Caridina trimaculatus, Female 乳牛蝦(母)

Tank-raised Sulawesi shrimp can reduce ecological damage also avoid rough harvesting and packaging. Our tank-raised products provides a more stable and normalized product with a reasonable price.



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